Privacy Policy

1. Generals

  1. Private information means the information related to a live individual, which identifies the corresponding individual with name, identification number, etc. included in the information (including when the individual can be identified with the information by associating easily with other information, although the information itself cannot specify the individual).
  2. Veritas (India) Limited deals with your private information very carefully and keeps the law related to information communication network use, information protection guideline, and related rules and laws. Veritas (India) Limited shall notice you how and for what purpose your private information is used and what kind of actions is taken to protect your private information through the private information protection policy.
  3. Veritas (India) Limited is taking an action for you to see easily the private information protection policy by exhibiting the policy on the main page of the website.

2. Range of Private Information Collection
On the Veritas (India) Limited website, you can access to most contents freely without separate sign-up process. If you want to use our member service, you have to enter the following information. However, there is no limitation for service use when you do not enter the selective items.

  1. Range of private information collected on member registration
    • Required items : ID, password, name, e-mail, zip code, address, telephone, company(organization)
    • Selective items : Other items except required ones
  2. However, any private information vulnerable to basic human right infringement, such as information about race, national ideology, beliefs, birthplace, place of register, political tendency, criminal record, health, and sexual life, shall not be collected.

3. Agreement on Private Information Collection
Veritas (India) Limited regards your clicking on the [agree] button as an agreement on the private information collection among two bottoms, [agree] and [disagree] about the private information policy or the provision.

4. Purpose of Collection and Use of Private Information

  1. The information that Veritas (India) Limited collects on member's registration is used for the company only to provide differentiated service for each customer and for a marketing information of the company, and shall not be provided to the third party.
  2. Veritas (India) Limited collects private information for the following purposes;
    • name, ID, password : To identify a member for a member service use
    • e-mail address, telephone : to deliver a notice, identify a member's opinion, acquire a smooth communication path for complains, etc., and inform new service/goods or events.
    • Identification Number, address : Demographical analysis information (statistical analysis by age, sex, and region of users)
    • Other options ; Information for a customized service

5. Use for Other Purpose, Provision to and Sharing with the Third Party

  1. Veritas (India) Limited shall use your private information under the range stipulated on the 『 Purpose of Collection and Use of Private Information 』 and not use it beyond the range or provide any third person, company, or institution.
    We will use and provide private information with special care in the following cases;
    • Affiliation : We may provide or share your private information with an affiliated company in order to provide better service. In such case, we will ask your agreement about the affiliated company, the purpose of provision or sharing, the kind of private information to provide or share, the reason for it, the duration and the way to protect/manage the information prior to do so. If you do not agree with it, your information shall not be provided to or shared with the company. If there is any change or completion with the affiliated party, we will inform you or ask your agreement about it in the same process.
    • Assignment : When we assign a business related to private information for a smooth process, we will inform you the details including the name of assigned company and a person in charge of it prior to the assignment.
    • Range of assignment: It is limited to when we have a right to correct or revise customers' private information.
  2. Any notice or request of agreement shall be noticed individually more than one time by e-mail, etc., as well as noticed at least 30 days before on the notice section of the main online home page.
  3. Followings are exceptions.
    • when there is an inquiry from a related institution for an investigation based on related laws, when the information is provided to an affiliated company of advertiser or research institution, etc. for statistically academic research or market research in a form that a certain individual cannot be identified, and
    • when there is a request based on the process stipulated on other related laws.
    • However, we will on principle notice a user when the information is provided to an investigation institution or based on related laws. We may not notice without intention based on a law. We will do our best not to provide information against the original purpose of collection and use.
6. Review and revision of private information
  1. You may review or revise your own private information registered on our website whenever you want. When you want to do so, please click 『Correct Information』 and review or correct it by yourself, or e-mail/call the people in charge of private information administration. Then, they will take an action on it after verifying your ID.

  2. When you ask to correct errors on your private information, the corresponding private information cannot be used or provided until the revision is completed.

7. Withdrawal of agreement on collection, use, and offer of private information

  1. You can always withdraw your agreement on collection, use, and offer of your private information. The withdrawal shall be completed primarily on the member withdrawal section on the website. We will notice you when we accept your withdrawal request and take an action to erase your private information, etc.
  2. Your membership may be deprived when;
    • false information is registered on sign-up application
    • you threat the order of website by interfering other people's usage or steal information, etc.,
    • you change or disturb the contents that the website administrates, and
    • it seems inappropriate that you keep maintain the membership.
  3. You have a chance to excuse your self when your membership is deprived.
  4. Veritas (India) Limited will take an action necessary to make easy the way to collect private information through agreement/withdrawal(membership withdrawal) on private information collection.
8. Reserve and usage period of private information
It is limited to the period during which you have membership of the website.

9. Linked Site
Veritas (India) Limited can provide you websites of other companies or links about information. In this case, Veritas (India) Limited has no authority to control over the external site and information and thus cannot be responsible for the utility of service or information offered by them. When you move to other sites by clicking links included on our website, the private information policy of the corresponding site is not associated with Veritas (India) Limited Thus, you need to review their own policy.

10. Bulletin Board

  1. Veritas (India) Limited is doing our best to protect your post on the bulletin board not to be changed, damaged, or deleted, except when;
    • it is like a spam (Ex : letter of luck, 800 million mail, advertisement of certain site, etc.),
    • it damages reputation of other people by circulating false information to slander them,
    • it includes contents to publicize other's private information without permission, interfere the copyright of Veritas (India) Limited or the third party, etc., and other posts irrelevant to the bulletin theme,
    • Veritas (India) Limited may repost unauthorized private information by deleting certain part or correcting it with a symbol, etc. in order to maintain desirable bulletin culture, and
    • In other cases, it can be deleted after a specified or individual warning.
  2. Basically the right and obligation related to a post on the bulletin board is on the individual who made it out. Furthermore, since the voluntarily publicized information through the post cannot be protected, you should be careful before publicizing it.
11. Rights and Obligations of A User
  1. You must enter your private information updated exactly to prevent an unexpected accident. Any accident by inexact information inputted by a user is on your own responsibility.
  2. You must notice us when your ID is used illegally.
  3. You have a right that your private information is protected as well as an obligation not to interfere others' information and protect yourself. Be careful when you deal with private information including password, and not to damage others' private information including bulletin board. If you cannot fulfill the above responsibilities and damage others' information and dignity, you may be punished based on 『Law on Information Network Usage Promotion and Information Protection, etc.

12. Protection of Children's Privacy
Any child under 14 is not allowed to sing up at the website of Veritas (India) Limited

13. People in Charge of Privacy Administration

  • Veritas (India) Limited is doing our best for customers to use good information safely. To protect your privacy, the people in charge of privacy administration will be responsible for any accident against notices to you. However, they are not responsible for any dispute on posts made by a visitor or information impairment by unexpected accident occurring by the fundamental risks of the network like hacking, etc., despite technical and supplementary actions.
  • The people in charge of your privacy, who will answer to your question about privacy without delay and with sincerity, are like followings;
  • [Inquiry online]
  • Telephone : +91-22-6184 0000,
  • E-mail:
  • [Privacy Administration Manager]
  • Name : Mayank Parekh
  • Telephone : +91-22-6184 0000
  • E-mail:
  • [Privacy Administration]
  • Name : Mayank Parekh
  • Telephone : +91-22-6184 0000
  • E-mail :
14. Commercial Information
  1. Veritas (India) Limited does not transfer commercial information for profit against any specified refusal of a receiver.
  2. Veritas (India) Limited would take an action to let you know easily the following items on the title and the body of an e-mail, if you agree on the e-mail transfer like newsletter from us. - Title of e-mail: We are allowed not to mark the notion of (commercial) on the title and specify the main contents of the body.
    • Body of e-mail:
    • We specify the name and e-mail address of the sender who you can notice your refusal to be sent e-mail from us.
    • We also describe the way you can easily refuse to be sent e-mail from us in Korean.

15. Obligation to notice
Any addition or revision of the current privacy protection policy according to any change of government policy or security technology will be noticed on the 'notice' section of the website at least 10 days before the revision.

16. Refuse any unauthorized collection of e-mail addresses
We refuse any collection of e-mail addresses listed on the website without permission through e-mail collection programs or other technical devices. If you violate it, criminal penalty will be given based on Communication Network Law. [Noticed on December 5, 2005]